Carpet Cleaning & Maintenance Made Simple

Carpet goes a long way toward helping a house feel like a home. Whether you’ve just installed brand new carpet or you’re trying to get a few more years out of old faithful, here are some tips for enhancing the splendor and longevity of your carpet:

  1. Make a habit of taking your shoes off before walking on the carpet. It’s difficult to know what you’ll track in the house, and this way your carpet doesn’t have to find out. Also, if you place door mats on both the inside and outside of your entry doors, they will catch a lot of the dirt.
  2. Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum! Try to vacuum the high traffic areas as often as possible (daily if you can), medium traffic areas twice a week, and low traffic areas about once a week. Don’t forget the corners, under the furniture, and other hard to reach places. If you dust your furniture, appliances, ceiling fans, etc., do so before you vacuum the carpet so you can collect the excess dust that falls.
  3. Clean any spills immediately after they happen, as this can avoid a long-term stain.
  4. Rearrange the furniture from time to time. This can help change traffic patterns to vary wear areas, and can reduce unsightly indentations.
  5. Avoid constant UV rays on one section of carpet, which can make it fade over time. Remember to close your blinds or drapes when you’re not at home.
  6. Finally, even when well-maintained, every carpet needs a professional deep cleaning about every 12-18 months. Perfect Flooring can help!

If you turn these steps into a routine, your carpet will look great and last for years. But when it’s finally time to retire the old carpet and go for a brand new look, let us know and we’ll help you out!