Trending for Carpet Flooring


Carpet flooring, like hardwood flooring, is a popular flooring choice that has been a top pick for homeowners and interior designers for years. From plush, shag carpets to seek, simple carpets, there are many style factors that come into play when choosing the carpet flooring product that is best for you and your carpet installation project. From different colors, textures and materials, carpet products on the market today are diverse, enabling you to customize the perfect carpet for you, your family and for your design style.

Carpet color and cost are two determining factors that play a huge role for customers looking for the perfect fit for their space. Neutral colors and earth-toned hues are currently the hottest colors to have. This color palette allows you to perfectly set the stage for your final room design, and they also allow you to make other parts of your space stand out. Mellow teals and blues are also popular choices for customers and designers.

Neutral tones allow you to design the rest of your space with ease.

Neutral tones allow you to design the rest of your space with ease.

Carpet flooring products with patterns and textures have more than just style in mind. Patterns and carpet textures minimize the appearance of vacuum marks and dirt, so even though you’re a diligent cleaner unannounced or spontaneous dirt will be well hidden before your family comes over for Sunday dinner. Textured loops, especially nylon products, are soft and incredibly durable and perfect if you have kids. Textural variations such as ribbed effects and striations add richness to your carpet’s overall color and even help to minimize seams.

Patterns allow you to make your space chic and styled with little effort.

Patterns allow you to make your space chic and styled with little effort.

Popular carpet patterns always begin with geometric designs. Designs such as diamonds, squares and stripes are just some of the carpeting products offered on the market today. These modern and simplistic styles allow you to have fun with patterns without it taking up too much visual space in your room. The designs are subtle, yet complicated, and are best translated in earth-tone colors. Two-toned carpet flooring products are another subtly interesting effect and allow you to further customize your carpet for your space.

Patterned and textured carpet offer a unique and personal flair to your space.

Patterned and textured carpet offer a unique and personal flair to your space.

Households with pets need extra protection from dirt and stains, and most carpet products on the market aren’t designed with our furry family members in mind. Stainmaster, a leading carpet manufacturer, has produced a carpet flooring product that is designed with your pets in mind. They’re PetProtection carpet collection includes carpet products with different colors, textures and materials that are very resistant to pet messes around your house. Don’t let the fear of your carpet getting ruined by pet stains with PetProtection carpet products!

Pet claws and pet stains are a common problem for carpet-enthusiasts, but Stainmaster has the carpet products you and your pets will love!

Pet claws and pet stains are a common problem for carpet-enthusiasts, but Stainmaster can combat the issue!

Carpet has been a staple flooring choice for customers and designers for many, many years. It offers a sense of comfort and warmth that you can see and feel, and the many different colors, textures and styles can be hard to choose from, especially when you have specific guidelines in mind. Don’t forget to stick to your guns when choosing the best carpet product for your home, and educate yourself on what the market and manufacturers are offering.


Do you have any questions about Perfect Flooring’s carpet products and services? Call our professionals today to schedule your in-home estimate and discuss your design dreams today!